Every smoker is aware of the hazards of smoking. If you have pledged to kick the harmful habit, you can easily quit smoking with the assistance of appropriate aids. There are several options for quitting smoking. The smoking cessation products include over-the-counter products such as lozenges, skin patches and gums as well as prescription medicines. Given the serious side effects of medication therapies, smokers often rely on non-medications therapies to stop smoking.
Quit smoking with assistance of nicotine replacement products
Nicotine replacement products are popular choices of smokers trying to kick the smoking habits. When a smoker tries to quit smoking, the strong craving for nicotine triggers serious withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, irritability, increase in appetite, sleeping problems and a strong urge to smoke. Often these troublesome symptoms force a smoker to discard the nicotine replacement product and return to the old habit.
To reduce the severity of the withdrawal symptom, instead of stopping smoking abruptly, nicotine replacement products supply controlled doses of nicotine to accustom the smoker gradually to a life without smoking cigarettes. Nicotine lozenges, nicotine gum and transdermal nicotine patches are common over-the-counter nicotine replacement products. Physicians may also prescribe nicotine oral inhalers and nasal sprays. These products should be used only for a short time. Prolonged use increases the risk of addiction to these products. Sometimes doctors prescribe antidepressants to improve mood and alleviate the discomfort during the weaning period. However, these drugs change the biochemistry of the brain, which might produce unfavorable side effects. Despite their benefits, it is estimated that only ten percent people can permanently quit smoking with nicotine replacement products.
Quit smoking with assistance of nicotine free drugs
Medications that target the nicotine receptors in the brain can help you to quit smoking. These drugs should be taken only under the supervision of your health care professional. These medications are frequently linked to adverse side effects such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, gas and sleeping problems. Psychiatric problems occasionally develop after taken these drugs.
Quit smoking with assistance of hypnotherapy
One of the main reasons for the low success rate of the smoking cessation products is that while addressing the withdrawal symptoms that develop during the weaning period, they actually create new behavioral problems. Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, helps a smoker to surmount the emotional barrier that prevents him/her from quitting smoking by helping him/her realize the hazards of smoking and the benefits of quitting the habit. It is currently the safest and most effective option for giving up cigarette smoking.
Have you been smoking for years and tried repeatedly to quit with no success? Use Quit smoking assistance to Avoid Side Effects and Enjoy Freedom from Cigarettes. Quit smoking help You to Make Positive Life Changes. Deciding Hypnotherapy NSW help only works if the person genuinely wants to stop.
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