Saturday, 31 March 2012

Improve quality of life with Hypnotherapy NSW

Have you ever tried to break a bad habit with hypnotherapy? NSW is home to highly rated hypnotists who can boost your confidence by replacing the negative beliefs with positive ones.

Benefits of hypnotherapy in NSW

There are several benefits of hypnotherapy. NSW residents can rely on the therapy to quit smoking, lowering food cravings, reducing pain, improving sleep and decreasing stress. How we respond to a particular situation depends on our state of mind. This explains why many people addicted to cigarettes cannot resist nicotine craving whereas others can easily quit smoking without any external help. During a hypnotherapy session, through certain relaxation exercises, the hypnotist guides a person to a deep relaxation state. In this deeply focused state, a person easily responds to suggestions, ideas and images. Contrary to popular belief, a hypnotist cannot control the free will or mind of another person. A hypnotist only teaches a person how to replace unhealthy behaviors with healthy behaviors.

What happens during hypnotherapy?

In our busy lives, we are overwhelmed with stress. Smoking, overeating and anxiety are usually linked to stress. When you go for hypnotherapy in NSW, before the first session, the hypnotherapist will take note of your medical history and the condition you want to treat through hypnosis. In a hypnotherapy session, the hypnotist helps you to relax. It reduces the heart rate and blood pressure. Moreover, it changes the activities of certain brain waves, reducing the alertness of the conscious mind and making the subconscious mind more focused. In this deeply relaxed state of mind, we easily respond to suggestions that we usually do not heed to in the conscious state.

A hypnotherapy session usually lasts for an hour. People who can be hypnotized easily respond to the therapy after one to two sessions. Most people need multiple sessions to realize the benefits of the treatment.

Illnesses that can be treated with hypnotherapy in NSW

Hypnotherapy is most effective in treating addictions and cravings. People who find it difficult to quit smoking often respond easily to suggestions of hypnotherapists. Hypnotherapy in NSW is also performed to facilitate weight loss. Overweight people who cannot resist food cravings and are too lazy to exercise can visit a hypnotherapist who can help to change your unhealthy lifestyle. Hypnotherapy is also effective in reducing anxiety and fear that some people feel before a medical procedure. By improving the mental condition of a person before an operation, it improves recovery.

Have you been smoking for years and tried repeatedly to quit with no success? Use Quit smoking assistance to Avoid Side Effects and Enjoy Freedom from Cigarettes. Quit smoking help You to Make Positive Life Changes. Deciding Hypnotherapy NSW help only works if the person genuinely wants to stop.

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