Thursday, 19 April 2012

Quit Smoking: Getting Help

There are several reasons for people becoming addicted to smoking. It may start out as a novelty or in imitation of older adults, like parents or older siblings, influential role models like celebs and film/pop-stars. Youngsters feel they appear “cool” or “grown-up” while smoking or they form the habit in times of stress, boredom or loneliness. Women in show-business, modeling or the corporate world take to smoking to keep their weight down or combat work-pressures.

Today, with the explosion of data on the dangers of smoking, statutory warnings on every pack of cigarettes and passive smoke-inhaling hazards to the health of non-smoking family members, unborn fetuses, co-workers and others who happen to be in the area when you light up, there is no real excuse to continue with this habit.

Unlike drug-addiction, current research indicates that smoking is not considered to be a true addiction. It is a persistent habit. The withdrawal symptoms, while distressing and irritating, may not be as life-threatening as those of drug-withdrawal symptoms and may last for a maximum of 4 – 6 weeks.

Most smokers have unsuccessfully tried to quit at least two or three times in their lives. Acquiring this habit is dependent on the nature of the person, so methods of quitting can also be unique. Some people are able to persuade themselves to quit, others need assistance

Cold Turkey/Gradual cut-down: One of the most effective, unassisted methods of quitting, this involves sudden and complete stopping of smoking. Long-term smokers have found this to be the best way to quit. However, gradually reducing the number of smokes is also effective, provided proper monitoring and self-discipline are ensured.

Bio-chemical Assistance: Nicotine patches, NRT (nicotine replacement therapy), gums, chews, sprays, inhalers or other nicotine substitutes can be used in combination with counseling and/or other medications. Medical intervention and counseling by family physicians and health-care professionals is also effective.

Social-responsibility/sanctions: Today, there is huge resistance to smoking in public places and norms for smoking in homes. Such interventions can help in regulating the duration and number of smokes. Family pressure and/or advice from peers and co-workers is another effective factor.

Psychological/Self-Motivation: Behavior modification therapy, counseling, group support, quit-smoking help lines, are all effective in combating addiction combined with psychological issues.

Alternative therapies: Traditional systems of medicine, acupuncture, hypnosis, herbal and aromatherapy remedies are all effective depending on individual response.

Education: Awareness of lung-cancer, asthma, emphysema, blood-pressure and other hazards of smoking are effective in curbing the habit, if accompanied by counseling, medical assistance etc.

Depending on what method or combination of methods works best for you, it is not difficult to quit smoking.

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